کامپیوتر پروازی ASA CX-2 Flight Computer

$ 96.45


کامپیوتر دیجیتال پروازی ASA CX-2 Flight Computer
جهت محاسبات پروازی در پرواز های آموزشی و تجاری ، کلاس های زمینی و پروازی و تمرین در محاسبات پروازی ، قابلیت محاسبه اکثر محاسبات پروازی.

ASA’s new electronic flight computer is a price/performance breakthrough, resulting from advances in display and microcomputer technologies.


$ 96.45


کامپیوتر دیجیتال پروازی ASA CX-2 Flight Computer
جهت محاسبات پروازی در پرواز های آموزشی و تجاری ، کلاس های زمینی و پروازی و تمرین در محاسبات پروازی
قابلیت محاسبه اکثر محاسبات پروازی
ASA CX-2 Flight Computer
ASA electronic flight computer takes advantage of advances in display and microcomputer technologies for better performance and price. A menu of 34 functions gives users access to 40 aviation calculations, including weight and balance. Approved for use on FAA knowledge exams. Unit Conversions. The CX-2 has 16 unit conversions, including reciprocal conversions for nautical and statute miles, nautical miles and kilometers, feet and meters, pounds and kilograms, gallons and liters, time in an hours:minutes:seconds format and time in decimal format, Fahrenheit and Celsius temperatures, and millibars and inches of mercury.
The CX-2 has two timers: a stopwatch that counts up, and a count down timer. The internal clock displays both local and UTC time and will keep time with the calculator turned off. Interactive Functions. Functions can be used together in chain calculations, where the answer to a preceding problem is automatically entered into subsequent problems. Standard mathematical calculations and conversions can be performed within each aviation function. The CX-2 uses four AAA batteries (included),
ASA’s new electronic flight computer is a price/performance breakthrough, resulting from advances in display and microcomputer technologies. Aviators can calculate true airspeed, ground speed, mach number, altitudes, fuel headings and courses, time/speed/distance, winds, headwind/crosswind components, gliding info and weight & balance.
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کامپیوتر پروازی ASA CX-2 Flight Computer